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Exterior Siding Contractors in Denver, CO

Your home’s exterior siding forms a protective barrier around its internal structure. At the same time, siding gives you the freedom to choose its color, style, and texture. HHR Exteriors specializes in quality, durable, and cost-effective siding in Denver, CO, and the Front Range, CO, area.

Your home’s exterior siding is the first thing visitors and passersby see. Upgrading your home through new exterior siding installation can make the biggest impact for your budget. Call us to request a free estimate from one of our experienced exterior siding contractors.

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house siding

When Should You Hire an Exterior Siding Contractor?

It’s easy to miss the signs you need to replace your exterior siding. The siding on your home might appear fine but could have hidden issues. On the other hand, your siding may still protect your home from the elements, but the colors might be fading or you might not love the style or appearance of your siding. Some of the warning signs that you need new siding installation are:

  • Broken, missing, or dangling sections of siding
  • Visible damage from hail, water, pests, or insects
  • Noticeable decay or dry rot
  • Evidence of nests or pest infestations
  • Bubbling or blistering
  • An increase in your energy bills
  • Hot or cold spots in your home
  • An increase in pests, dust, or insects in your home
  • Higher levels of humidity in your home
  • Foundation problems
  • Chipped or cracked siding materials
  • Mold or mildew growth
workers replacing siding

Benefits of New Siding Installation

According to an analysis performed by Remodeling Magazine, replacing exterior siding can increase the value of a home by 76.7% of the cost to complete the project. That means that, on average, for every $1,000 you spend replacing the siding on your home, your home will increase in value by $767. That doesn’t even factor in all the money that new siding will save you day-to-day and month-to-month. New, energy-efficient siding will also slash your energy bill by providing your home with better insulation. On top of that, if you pick an especially durable material for your new siding project, you may find yourself with lower home insurance payments.

Types of Exterior Siding Options We Offer

We are dedicated to installing high-quality, durable siding built to last. We offer energy-efficient siding options that look amazing and are high-performing. We can walk you through your options and help you choose the perfect exterior siding for your home:

Choosing the Right Exterior Siding Material

Our home siding options will protect your home from heat, cold, weather, pests, and insects so that your energy bills will decrease and you will feel more comfortable. Choosing the right exterior siding material can:

  • Block out harmful UV rays
  • Insulate your home from heat and cold
  • Prevent moisture intrusion
  • Reduce your risk of mold and mildew growth
  • Keep insects and pests out of your home
  • Protect your home’s foundation from water damage
  • Reduce your risk of structural issues
  • Reduce wind, hail, and storm damage
  • Lower your energy bills
  • Keep your home more comfortable
  • Improve your home’s resale value and curb appeal

Caring for & Maintaining Your Home Siding

Like any other part of your home’s exterior, your exterior siding will need regular cleaning, care, and maintenance. Here are some quick tips for caring for and maintaining your siding depending on its material:


You should brush wood siding regularly to remove dirt and debris. Do not use a pressure washer; instead, clean your siding with water and mild soap to prevent stains.


Vinyl siding is very low-maintenance. Do not use abrasive cleaning tools or harsh chemicals. When you see a build-up of dust or dirt, spray it off with a hose and then wipe the siding dry with a towel.


Use a soft brush or sponge and mild soap for dust and dirt. You can soft-wash the siding with a power washer for deeper cleaning.

Fiber Cement

Clean the siding with a soft brush or cloth and mild soap. Do not use abrasive materials. Repair holes or cracks right away.

Explore Our Siding Inspiration Gallery

Ready to choose the perfect exterior siding for your home? Explore our siding inspiration gallery. Click through our gallery to see past projects and get a sense of how the siding will look on your home. Our portfolio will show you how our siding options look on real homes in your community.

Why Choose HHR Exteriors

At HHR Exteriors, we have decades of experience helping homeowners in the Denver area improve the safety, appearance, and value of their homes. We are one of the leading exterior siding companies in the area and have earned a reputation for excellence due to our commitment to quality workmanship, quality materials, and exceptional customer service. We specialize in exterior upgrading services, including siding installation, exterior painting, roof replacement, gutter replacement, and window replacement. We keep our pricing fair and affordable and offer fast, free estimates. We also can assist you in filing an insurance claim, and we offer competitive financing options to qualified customers.

Request a Free Estimate for Exterior Siding Installation

As you know, replacing the exterior siding on your entire home is a monumental project. When you are first considering it, you will likely have thousands of questions. What material should I choose? How long will it take? Should I replace any other exterior features, like windows or gutters, while I’m having the siding replaced? Most importantly, how much does it cost? We will meet with you, answer all these questions, and give you a free estimate that details the entire project’s cost. To get your free exterior siding estimate, call us now or fill out our contact form today.

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